man in gray long sleeve shirt sitting on blue sofa working on a Microsoft Surface laptop
man in gray long sleeve shirt sitting on blue sofa working on a Microsoft Surface laptop

All you need to know

  • Q: What is Microsoft Excel?

    A: Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program developed by Microsoft for data organization, analysis, and visualization.

  • Q: How do you create a new Excel workbook?

    A: Click on File > New > Blank Workbook.

    Q: How can you save an Excel file?

  • A: Click on File > Save or press Ctrl + S.

    Q: What is a cell in Excel?

  • A: A cell is the intersection of a row and a column where data can be entered.

    Q: How do you select a range of cells?

  • A: Click and drag across the cells you want to select.

    Q: What is a worksheet in Excel?

  • A: A worksheet is a single sheet in an Excel workbook, consisting of a grid of cells.

    Q: How can you rename a worksheet?

  • A: Right-click on the worksheet tab and select Rename.

    Q: What is the formula bar?

  • A: The formula bar is the area above the worksheet where you can enter or edit data or formulas.

    Q: How do you insert a new column in Excel?

  • A: Right-click the column letter where you want to insert a new column and select Insert.

    Q: How do you insert a new row in Excel?

  • A: Right-click the row number where you want to insert a new row and select Insert.

    Q: What is a cell reference?

  • A: A cell reference identifies a cell by its column letter and row number (e.g., A1, B2).

    Q: How do you delete a column?

  • A: Right-click the column letter you want to delete and select Delete.

    Q: How do you delete a row?

  • A: Right-click the row number you want to delete and select Delete.

    Q: What is a formula in Excel?

  • A: A formula is an expression that calculates the value of a cell.

    Q: How do you enter a formula?

  • A: Type the equals sign (=) followed by the formula in a cell.

    Q: What does the SUM function do?

  • A: The SUM function adds all the numbers in a range of cells.

    Q: How do you apply the SUM function? A: Type =SUM(range) where range is the range of cells you want to add.

    Q: What is the AVERAGE function?

  • A: The AVERAGE function calculates the average of the numbers in a range of cells.

    Q: How do you apply the AVERAGE function?

  • A: Type =AVERAGE(range) where range is the range of cells you want to average.

    Q: What is the COUNT function?

  • A: The COUNT function counts the number of cells that contain numbers in a range.

    Q: How do you apply the COUNT function?

  • A: Type =COUNT(range) where range is the range of cells you want to count.

    Q: What is the IF function?

  • A: The IF function performs a logical test and returns one value for a TRUE result and another for a FALSE result.

    Q: How do you use the IF function?

  • A: Type =IF(condition, value_if_true, value_if_false).

    Q: What is the VLOOKUP function?

  • A: The VLOOKUP function looks for a value in the first column of a table and returns a value in the same row from another column.

    Q: How do you use the VLOOKUP function?

  • A: Type =VLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_array, col_index_num, [range_lookup]).

    Q: What is a pivot table?

  • A: A pivot table is a data summarization tool used to sort, count, and total data stored in one table.

    Q: How do you create a pivot table?

  • A: Select your data range, then click Insert > PivotTable.

    Q: What is conditional formatting?

  • A: Conditional formatting changes the appearance of cells based on certain conditions.

    Q: How do you apply conditional formatting?

  • A: Select your cells, then click Home > Conditional Formatting and choose your formatting rule.

    Q: How do you merge cells?

  • A: Select the cells you want to merge, then click Home > Merge & Center.

    Q: How do you freeze panes in Excel?

  • A: Select the cell below the row and to the right of the column you want to freeze, then click View > Freeze Panes.

    Q: What is the purpose of the AutoSum feature?

  • A: AutoSum automatically enters a formula to sum numbers.

    Q: How do you use AutoSum?

  • A: Select the cell where you want the sum, then click Home > AutoSum.

    Q: How do you sort data in Excel?

  • A: Select your data, then click Data > Sort and choose your sorting options.

    Q: How do you filter data in Excel?

  • A: Select your data, then click Data > Filter and choose your filter criteria.

    Q: What is a chart in Excel?

  • A: A chart is a graphical representation of data.

    Q: How do you create a chart in Excel?

  • A: Select your data, then click Insert > Chart and choose your chart type.

    Q: How do you add a chart title?

  • A: Click on the chart, then click Chart Tools > Layout > Chart Title.

    Q: How do you change the chart type?

  • A: Click on the chart, then click Chart Tools > Design > Change Chart Type.

    Q: What is the shortcut for copying cells?

  • A: Press Ctrl + C.

    Q: What is the shortcut for pasting cells?

  • A: Press Ctrl + V.

    Q: What is the shortcut for cutting cells?

  • A: Press Ctrl + X.

    Q: How do you insert a comment in a cell?

  • A: Right-click the cell and select Insert Comment.

    Q: How do you delete a comment in a cell?

  • A: Right-click the cell with the comment and select Delete Comment.

    Q: How do you protect a worksheet?

  • A: Click Review > Protect Sheet and set your protection options.

    Q: How do you unprotect a worksheet?

  • A: Click Review > Unprotect Sheet and enter the password if required.

    Q: What is the function of the Fill Handle in Excel?

  • A: The Fill Handle allows you to fill cells with data based on the pattern of other cells.

    Q: How do you use the Fill Handle?

  • A: Drag the small square at the bottom right corner of a cell across the range you want to fill.

    Q: How do you change the number format of cells?

  • A: Select the cells, then click Home > Number Format and choose the desired format.

    Q: How do you wrap text in a cell?

  • A: Select the cell, then click Home > Wrap Text.

    Q: How do you adjust column width?

  • A: Drag the boundary on the right side of the column heading or double-click it to auto-fit.

    Q: How do you adjust row height?

  • A: Drag the boundary below the row heading or double-click it to auto-fit.

    Q: How do you hide a column?

  • A: Right-click the column letter and select Hide.

    Q: How do you hide a row?

  • A: Right-click the row number and select Hide.

    Q: How do you unhide a column?

  • A: Select the columns on either side of the hidden column, right-click, and select Unhide.

    Q: How do you unhide a row?

  • A: Select the rows on either side of the hidden row, right-click, and select Unhide.

    Q: How do you add a header or footer?

  • A: Click Insert > Header & Footer.

    Q: How do you remove duplicates in a dataset?

  • A: Select your data, then click Data > Remove Duplicates.

    Q: How do you transpose data in Excel?

  • A: Copy the data, right-click where you want to paste it, and select Paste Special > Transpose.

    Q: How do you use the CONCATENATE function?

  • A: Type =CONCATENATE(text1, text2,...) to join text from multiple cells.

    Q: What is the shortcut for undo?

  • A: Press Ctrl + Z.

    Q: What is the shortcut for redo?

  • A: Press Ctrl + Y.

    Q: How do you lock cells in Excel?

  • A: Select the cells, right-click, select Format Cells, go to the Protection tab, and check Locked. Then protect the sheet.

    Q: How do you create a dropdown list in a cell?

  • A: Select the cell, click Data > Data Validation, choose List, and enter your list items.

    Q: What is the MAX function?

  • A: The MAX function returns the largest value in a set of values.

    Q: What is the MIN function?

  • A: The MIN function returns the smallest value in a set of values.

    Q: How do you use the MAX function?

  • A: Type =MAX(range).

    Q: How do you use the MIN function?

  • A: Type =MIN(range).

    Q: How do you use the COUNTIF function?

  • A: Type =COUNTIF(range, criteria) to count cells that meet a criterion.

    Q: What does the LEFT function do?

  • A: The LEFT function returns the leftmost characters from a text string.

    Q: How do you use the LEFT function?

  • A: Type =LEFT(text, num_chars).

    Q: What does the RIGHT function do?

  • A: The RIGHT function returns the rightmost characters from a text string.

    Q: How do you use the RIGHT function?

  • A: Type =RIGHT(text, num_chars).

    Q: What does the MID function do?

  • A: The MID function returns a specific number of characters from a text string, starting at the position you specify.

    Q: How do you use the MID function?

  • A: Type =MID(text, start_num, num_chars).

    Q: How do you insert a hyperlink in a cell?

  • A: Right-click the cell and select Hyperlink, then enter the link address.

    Q: How do you remove a hyperlink in a cell?

  • A: Right-click the hyperlink and select Remove Hyperlink.

    Q: How do you use the TODAY function?

  • A: Type =TODAY() to return the current date.

    Q: How do you use the NOW function?

  • A: Type =NOW() to return the current date and time.

    Q: What is the purpose of the TRIM function?

  • A: The TRIM function removes extra spaces from text.

    Q: How do you use the TRIM function?

  • A: Type =TRIM(text).

    Q: What does the LEN function do?

  • A: The LEN function returns the number of characters in a text string.

    Q: How do you use the LEN function?

  • A: Type =LEN(text).

    Q: What is the FIND function?

  • A: The FIND function locates one text string within another and returns the position of the first character.

    Q: How do you use the FIND function?

  • A: Type =FIND(find_text, within_text, [start_num]).

    Q: How do you create a named range?

  • A: Select the range, then type a name in the Name Box and press Enter.

    Q: What is the INDIRECT function?

  • A: The INDIRECT function returns the reference specified by a text string.

    Q: How do you use the INDIRECT function?

  • A: Type =INDIRECT(ref_text).

    Q: What is the difference between relative and absolute cell references?

  • A: Relative references change when a formula is copied; absolute references remain constant.

    Q: How do you create an absolute cell reference?

  • A: Use the dollar sign (e.g., $A$1) in the cell reference.

    Q: What is the ROUND function?

  • A: The ROUND function rounds a number to a specified number of digits.

    Q: How do you use the ROUND function?

  • A: Type =ROUND(number, num_digits).

    Q: What is the purpose of the AND function?

  • A: The AND function checks if all arguments are TRUE and returns TRUE if all are true.

    Q: How do you use the AND function?

  • A: Type =AND(logical1, logical2,...).

    Q: What is the purpose of the OR function?

  • A: The OR function checks if any arguments are TRUE and returns TRUE if any are true.

    Q: How do you use the OR function?

  • A: Type =OR(logical1, logical2,...).

    Q: How do you use the HLOOKUP function?

  • A: Type =HLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_array, row_index_num, [range_lookup]).

    Q: What is a macro in Excel?

  • A: A macro is a recorded set of actions that can be played back to automate tasks.

    Q: How do you record a macro?

  • A: Click View > Macros > Record Macro, then perform the actions you want to record.

    Q: How do you run a macro?

  • A: Click View > Macros > View Macros, select the macro, and click Run.

woman wearing grey striped dress shirt sitting down near brown wooden table in front of white laptop computer
woman wearing grey striped dress shirt sitting down near brown wooden table in front of white laptop computer
brown desk lamp beside computer monitor on desk
brown desk lamp beside computer monitor on desk